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Data Privacy-Policies for User ID data management

Identifying Users Data Activities

Finding & Deleting Personal Data in Smylor

Date: 1st January 2023, Version number: 1.0

Smylor lets you search for personal data associated with individual users of your Smylor Profile pages, Smylor Listing or Smylor PRM site, based on an email address or unique User ID (if applicable). The process is straightforward with two stages.

During the first stage using the email or User ID, you can quickly filter for all linked data such as appointments, chat conversations or other personal data item records and select them to delete. For the second stage you can delete the main record which has the main personal profile data.

Only team members with Account Owner, Admin, or Write permissions from your Smylor can perform the filtering and deleting actions for a specific User ID or email address.

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