A Dental Implant treatment involves a multi-step procedure that requires surgical, restorative, and prosthodontic dental knowledge. Advances in the Dental Implantology mean it is reasonable to get a second opinion as an alternative more modern approach could exist.
It's important to identify a dentist who understands the different stages of the dental implant process and has experience with both surgical and cosmetic dental procedures.
Second Opinion FAQ
Should I get a second opinion on Dental Implants?
Should I get a second opinion on a Root Canal treatment?
A root canal is one of the more invasive dental treatment, so it is reasonable to want a second opinion if you are unsure about moving forward. When looking for a second opinion dentist, look for a root canal specialist, sometimes known as a Endodontist who has more advanced training in endodontics. Root canal specialists can best assess the severity of your infection and identify if an alternative treatment is possible.
Should I get a second opinion on cavities?
A second dentist may have a different opinion on whether a cavity needs a filling or simply be monitored. One reason to seek another opinion is to check if the filling material being proposed has the best durability, aesthetic and safety aspects for your case. Material options include gold, porcelain, silver amalgam, composite resin and glass ionomer, each with advantages and disadvantages.