As a patient, you can search for dentists on Smylor using filter criteria such as Practice Ratings, Treatment Ratings, Travel Distance and Treatment Affordability
Travel Distance allows Patients to quickly search areas to find closest Dentists that list their treatment selection. List of dentists shown with KMs distance from entered location
Each Practice Rating in Smylor represents the rating average of major platforms such as Google and Facebook... Now you can make a Practice choice decision with confidence!
Treatment Ratings With social media being an integral part of most people's lives, smiling with confidence has become increasingly important as part of social acceptance. Smylor helps patients search, review and share their dental treatment experiences with others.
As part of Smylor's 2023 launch, we are providing rewards for anyone registering with Smylor and reviewing their last dental treatment.
While Practice & Treatment Reviews help us build trust as a patient you also need to think about what is affordable. Smylor helps with your budget planning with the ability to identify the range of treatment prices.
The affordability filter helps you potentially save money by identifying those dentists that offer treatments that suit your budget.
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Our Smylor dental marketplace allows you to review and request bookings from 100s of dentists near you. Currently available in Switzerland (Zürich & Zug) and Germany (Köln, Düsseldorf and Bonn).
Click on your region.